In the Battle of Thermopylae (as detailed almost entirely by Herodotus), which occurred in 480 BC, an alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian Empire at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held back the Persians for three days in one of history's most famous last stands. A small force led by King Leonidas of Sparta blocked the only road through which the massive army of Xerxes I of Persia could pass. After three days of battle, a local resident named Ephialtes is believed to have betrayed the Greeks by revealing a mountain path that led behind the Greek lines. Dismissing the rest of the army, King Leonidas stayed behind with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespian volunteers, 400 Thebans that had been pressed into service, and 900 Helots. The Persians succeeded in taking the pass but sustained losses disproportionate to those of the Greeks. The fierce resistance of the Spartan-led army offered Athens the invaluable time to prepare for a decisive naval battle that would come to determine the outcome of the war. (este párrafo, acá)
No soy Heródoto. No tengo palabras para narrar esta clase de proeza. Ninguna. Porque todas las palabras se disuelven en el aire ante las hazañas.
Sólo decirles, recuperando las palabras del poeta: muchachos, gracias por el fuego.
No soy Heródoto. No tengo palabras para narrar esta clase de proeza. Ninguna. Porque todas las palabras se disuelven en el aire ante las hazañas.
Sólo decirles, recuperando las palabras del poeta: muchachos, gracias por el fuego.
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